Free Rider HD Wiki

In the last couple of days I see the activity has been quite down :(. I think it may be because everyone is busy working on their Campaign Contest entrys (I have been myself). But anyways hopefully we can get the activity back up and finish the Wiki!

So in the last couple days I have been working on a FRHD Forums page... which seems to be going quite well. For it I added the category: Websites Linked with FRHD . This brought to attention that to fill up that category and not leave it with just one page on the wiki we must add the pages below. Although these pages may not seem like the most important; we cannot leave a category with one page only as Blaze said earlier. So here's the list:

  • FRHD Reddit
  • FRHD google+
  • FRHD Twitter
  • FRHD Facebook

I also want to say that these pages do not necessarily need to be overflowing with information because of the fact that they aren't the most important. 

A possibly better name for the category is: Websites in the Free Rider HD Community if you would like to change that Blaze.